Would you like more love, happiness and wealth in your life? It can be yours!
ABUNDANCE: What does that word mean to you?
“True abundance is when you experience joy, health, happiness, sense of purpose and vitality ”
I used to think the term "abundance" meant lots of money, or.... lots of fruit! - for example "wow there's an abundance of apples on that tree". I hadn't really considered other meanings of the word until it popped up on social media in the days before it was announced that schools would be closing by the end of the week due to COVID19.
Having been working super hard on my mindset since the turn into 2020, the question of what “abundance” is has come up at the most poignant time of life - not just for me personally but I feel globally for everyone. I would like to share my experience in the hope that you might ask yourself the same question of what it means to you and inspire you to make some changes in your life to achieve it.
My Story
On Monday 16th March 2020, I embarked on a 21 day meditation challenge having seen an invitation on Facebook by the wonderful Sonraya Grace – someone I have worked with on a personal basis in the past. There was no hesitation in making contact with her to join. I will admit now that I was placing the current global situation to the back of my mind. I had been working so hard on my business that I was determined to not let COVID19 affect my mindset. Having attended the Mumpreneur Collective Momentum Day conference the week before, I was laser focused to move forward with my business.
I knew I wanted to manifest abundance into my life to keep the momentum going, and the meditation challenge seemed like the perfect way to help me achieve this. Having met and listened to Cori Javid – Success Coach, at the Momentum Day the week before, I had the one thing stuck in my mind from her talk that day…. I needed to change my mindset.
As I have been practicing meditation on a regular basis for a couple of years now, I joined the challenge in a whatsapp group with an open mind. Now, I’m sure most of you reading this will be thinking….. “Meditation!? oooh she must be a hippy sitting cross legged on the floor with thumbs and fingers together making a weird ‘ommmmmmm’ sound!" But meditation is simply sitting or laying down comfortably – concentrating on your breathing and listening to a wonderful soothing voice. Practicing this leaves you feeling calm, relaxed, refreshed, or if I lay day down….. fast asleep! I have used a fantastic free app called Insight Timer for a few years now, but was excited about doing this challenge as part of a group.
How the challenge works: Each day of the abundance challenge has a unique theme. You are given thought provoking journaling tasks, daily affirmations and a meditation audio to listen to. Deepak Chopra guides you with his voice in an easy and inspiring way. Deepak provides a new Sanskrit mantra each day for you to repeat to yourself during the silent meditation period, which helps calm your mind and deepen your practice. Of course, you may be put off by the fact there are daily tasks, however, my thoughts on this are… if you really want to make a change to your life, you will work through these tasks. Whether that is every day without fail for 21 days or every few days, even if you have to restart once, twice or 10 times, it really doesn’t matter. Showing up to complete this challenge in whichever way suits you is just fine. The importance here is “showing up”. I would receive the information for the following days task from my mentor (Sonraya) the night before. I read this before bed to see what the theme of the next day would be. This set me up for what I needed to manifest and I always looked forward to what the next day was about to bring. It was like the universe was writing this course at exactly the right time for me and everyone else in the group too.
I don’t want to give away too much of what happens over the 21 days as this is a journey for you to take by yourself. For me at this time, with so much happening in the world and in our lives, I am so very grateful for the group I was included in. I have met the most wonderful creative ladies who in turn I have really connected with. In particular - Hannah Dudley – an astrologer and intuitive art therapist who has inspired me to pick up the paintbrush (which I haven’t done since school) and explore a love for art again - not only for me, but for my two boys (8 & 6) as well, who both joined me this week for an intuitive art therapy session and both are looking forward to the next session. Its given us something to look forward to together. I am also in awe of my own group that I led through this experience and for whom I held my first ever Zoom meeting with last week to connect faces that we have got to know over the last 4 weeks. Again, a wonderful group of ladies who are all embarking on their journeys into abundance. It has been wonderful to see new friendships bloom and ideas and love shared between them. Completing this challenge at quite possibly the most significant time of our lives right now couldn’t have been more poignant. Without it, I know that I would be struggling, panicking and worrying. I’m not saying that I’m not struggling, panicking or worrying at all - as I am (who isn’t?) ....... however not to the degree I would have been if I’d not been working daily on my mindset. I have regained a sense of calm within this storm thanks to this wonderful challenge I have completed.
“Every moment, of every day, I live my life abundantly” - Day 21.
I hope my words may give you something to think about this week and possibly inspire you to take part in a simple, relaxing and mindful challenge for 21 days to create new habits for a lifetime. Let’s face it, we all have time for this right now.
Please see the link for details of how to sign up for FREE. http://bit.ly/ME_AD
Sandbanks, Poole, Dorset - by Stacey Knowles