It's time to vote - Business Mother Of The Year 2018
In the last 8 months I have had the most amazing support from friends, family, followers who have watched Live Life Organised grow.
The juggle and balance of home, 2 crazy boys and business is pretty strong to say the least.
What I love most of all, is being there for the boys more at the times they need it most.... school runs, sports, music, friends, events at school.
This makes an amazing change from a past career of shift work in London followed by Full Time teaching and costing a fortune in childcare which in turn has changed my relationship with my children on so many levels for the better.
Running my own business has its ups and downs and long hours most evenings. But it's totally worth it for life's balance of being a mummy and helping my clients in their lives and business too. Satisfaction guaranteed 😊
I feel very honoured to have been nominated by a client for Business Mother of the Year in the Dorset Venus Women Awards and am astounded to have made the semi finals.
It would be the icing on the cake to make the final and really make 2018 my year.
So I would like to invite you to help me get there.
Please vote for Stacey Knowles - Business Mother of the Year Dorset 2018 by clicking here.